I have worked in both a freelance capacity and on contracted work for a number of years now on a variety of projects both in terms of scope and also the roles I have worked in.

 From camera operating to editing, VFX / CGI, social media management, set Design/building, prop and costume design and a fair amount more.

Below are some examples of the content I have worked on that I am able to share.

Source 2 Store

Social Media Manager, Content Creator & Editor

Creating social media content and helping Source2Store, which was a brand new start up when I was bought on board, grow their online presence and audience/customers from from a bare bones social media presence, to a fully fledged experience to grab viewers attention and encourage engagement with the brand and services being advertised.

Helena Bonham Carter & Tobias Menzies Live

"Lydia & Maynard: Love Letters"

With Helena Bonham Carter & Tobias Menzies

Camera Operator and Runner​​​​​​​


Cumnor House School Music Videos 

Music Video's in 2022, 2023 and 2024

Camera Operator, Editor and VFX / CGI Artist

2024 Music video

Editor, VFX and CGI (Camera Work by Alex Bustamante)

2023 Music video

Camera Operator, Editor, VFX and CGI

2022 Music video

Camera Operator, Editor, VFX and CGI

Gielgud Films

I worked in a number of roles both under contract and then freelance for Gielgud Films on several of their projects.

Feature film - "A Book About Her"

(Still in pre-production)

Creating promotion materials and working in other roles such as, cross department coordination for communications and file management, Rip-o-matics, storyboarding, filming and editing videos for investors, photography, website design, etc.

Animated children's TV series - "Not Pat"

(Still in pre-production)

For this project I worked in most of the same roles as the "A Book About Her" production, and additionally worked as an audio engineer for voice actor recordings and table reads, along side some extra administration work.

Cystic Fibrosis Trust 

"Carols by Candlelight 2021"

With Dame Judi Dench

Camera Operator and Editor

Big Church Music Festival

Camera Operator and Runner
